HOORAY!! — All Versions of ‘Space Grind: House Havoc’ Are Up For Sale On Amazon!

They’re all finally here! 😀 All four versions of Space Grind: House Havoc are available for purchase! This is such a blessing and a dream come true for me!! ❤ I am so excited to hear what all my readers think! Here is the link for Space Grind: House Havoc (original version): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LGW4LHS?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860&fbclid=IwAR1shnIfYwTFD5HhA39myxaA06DbVpvKrk4jgIeyIPLkopecET-bdtmDgwY Here isContinue reading “HOORAY!! — All Versions of ‘Space Grind: House Havoc’ Are Up For Sale On Amazon!”

Space Grind: House Havoc Up on Amazon (for Pre-Order)

It’s FINALLY here! The Kindle version of the first AZD comic is visible on the Amazon.com website! ❤ What an incredible privilege to see! The paperback version is not up for pre-order quite yet. I still need to receive a delivery of a printed proof copy before official publication. Link: https://www.amazon.com/Space-Grind-House-Alexandra-Nelson-ebook/dp/B09L6M3JBC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1E0G3PY07IBCE&keywords=space+grind%3A+house+havoc&qid=1636465337&sprefix=space+grind+house+havic%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-1

October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)

Towards the end of October, the comic book got completed! ❤ It hasn’t been published quite yet, but it is currently in review. I submitted it a few days ago, but then read an email (3 days later..) saying I had to resize the book (UGH!!..) Anyway, I believe it will be available on AmazonContinue reading “October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)”

Comic Book Planned To Be Released November 15th!!

The book is so close to being done that I can almost taste it!! 😀 However, I’ve been very disorganized with getting it all the way done. To keep myself accountable, I decided to give myself a deadline for the release of the comic book 😁 This idea made me realize that I can announceContinue reading “Comic Book Planned To Be Released November 15th!!”

Summer 2021 Progress Report

Hi, everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these. Progress was slow this Summer for a lot of reasons (many of them of which are private), so this report will be for what happened overall this Summer. I didn’t date what things got accomplished this time around, so I have to go basedContinue reading “Summer 2021 Progress Report”

May Progress Report 2021

May has been my MOST PRODUCTIVE MONTH so far 😀 Even more productive than December. Soooooo much got done. Here is a long list of the things that got accomplished: Finished page 17 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-3-2021) Finished page 18 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-4-2021) Finished page 19 of “Corona is aContinue reading “May Progress Report 2021”

April Progress Report 2021

Hi! It’s that time again 😀 This month has been productive, but it could be better. There were some things that hindered my progress. Unfortunately, this month I got pink eye, which lasted for nearly 10 days. My vision was blurry. The skin around my eyes burned. Discharge was constantly oozing. All that good stuff.Continue reading “April Progress Report 2021”

March Progress Report (2021)

Hi, everyone! I know it’s April 5th, but there is a reason this progress report got delayed. For some strange reason, I couldn’t access the WordPress website. At all. I even tried going on other websites made with WordPress, but I couldn’t look at any of those either. Luckily, I finally was able to fixContinue reading “March Progress Report (2021)”

What I Accomplished So Far For My First Comic Book

(Date of Original Post: January 22nd, 2021) Hi, guys. I felt like making this blog post was important. This is because I want you guys to see how dedicated I am to getting this project done. I wouldn’t want you to guys to follow this blog wondering if I’m just some lazy butt that hasn’tContinue reading “What I Accomplished So Far For My First Comic Book”