Space Grind “Exposition Comic!”

Here is a free, 6-page comic that will be in my first comic book Space Grind: House Havoc. It gives a visual exposition to the Space Grind story.

Comic Book Planned To Be Released November 15th!!

The book is so close to being done that I can almost taste it!! 😀 However, I’ve been very disorganized with getting it all the way done. To keep myself accountable, I decided to give myself a deadline for the release of the comic book 😁 This idea made me realize that I can announceContinue reading “Comic Book Planned To Be Released November 15th!!”

Summer 2021 Progress Report

Hi, everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these. Progress was slow this Summer for a lot of reasons (many of them of which are private), so this report will be for what happened overall this Summer. I didn’t date what things got accomplished this time around, so I have to go basedContinue reading “Summer 2021 Progress Report”