Introduction to RPL

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything other than a progress report on my comic books, so I decided to share a little bit about a particular character named “RPL.” Her name “RPL” stands for “Robot Prim Lady.” She is a rival of RSL and belongs to the Trax’s rival Ozuha. Ozuha and RPL LikeContinue reading “Introduction to RPL”

The Next AZD Comic Book?

Now that Space Grind: House Havoc has been released, what’s the next comic book gonna be about? Even though I’m AlexZenDraw, I’m still figuring that out myself XD Even though not all the details have been set in stone, I have a few things figured out so far that I know I wanna do. First,Continue reading “The Next AZD Comic Book?”

October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)

Towards the end of October, the comic book got completed! ❤ It hasn’t been published quite yet, but it is currently in review. I submitted it a few days ago, but then read an email (3 days later..) saying I had to resize the book (UGH!!..) Anyway, I believe it will be available on AmazonContinue reading “October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)”

Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books

Hello! Welcome to my blog 🙂 I am a first-time comic book writer and artist. My name is Alexandra Nelson. You can also call me by my “stage” name: Alexzendraw. I am currently 22 years old and live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Why “Alex Zen Draw”? Alexandra is my full name. I also wanted to makeContinue reading “Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books”