My 4 Idea Journals

Today’s blog post is about something very special to me! A lot of writers know or have been told that they should write down their ideas. I’ve been doing that ever since 2016, back when I was in high school. I’m so glad I did. Today, I’m talking about my four “Idea Journals.” I thinkContinue reading “My 4 Idea Journals”

October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)

Towards the end of October, the comic book got completed! ❤ It hasn’t been published quite yet, but it is currently in review. I submitted it a few days ago, but then read an email (3 days later..) saying I had to resize the book (UGH!!..) Anyway, I believe it will be available on AmazonContinue reading “October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)”

Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books

Hello! Welcome to my blog 🙂 I am a first-time comic book writer and artist. My name is Alexandra Nelson. You can also call me by my “stage” name: Alexzendraw. I am currently 22 years old and live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Why “Alex Zen Draw”? Alexandra is my full name. I also wanted to makeContinue reading “Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books”