Some Lovely Things About “The Garden” by Butch Hartman

This blog post doesn’t have much to do with my own stories, but I do feel that this is a perfect platform to talk about a new show called The Garden. You see, I am part of the launch team for an animated show called The Garden, and my job is to basically spread awarenessContinue reading “Some Lovely Things About “The Garden” by Butch Hartman”

5 Things I’m Thankful For

Since today is Thanksgiving, I thought it would be nice to list 5 things I’m thankful for in a blog post. #1: I’m Thankful For My Wacom Cintiq 21 Most of the comic book drawings were done with my Wacom Cintiq 21! I got it 3 years ago and drove three hours to get it.Continue reading “5 Things I’m Thankful For”