Paperback Price Changes

I’m very sorry, everyone, but because printing costs on Amazon have changed, I have upped the prices of my paperback comic books. Otherwise, I would hardly make any profit on my work. They’re actually $14 each, which is the original price of Space Grind: House Havoc. It was nice having the price be $12 forContinue reading “Paperback Price Changes”

E-Book Delayed (Edited for Update)

Something quite interesting (and upsetting) happened when I submitted the e-Book version of Space Grind: Robot Takeover! Despite the fact that the paperback copy is up for sale, KDP decided to BLOCK the e-Book version. I’ve done what I can to reach out. I’ve already made a phone call and even sent an email. TheContinue reading “E-Book Delayed (Edited for Update)”

The Second AZD Comic Is FINALLY HERE!

The paperback version of Space Grind: Robot Takeover! is finally available for purchase on the Amazon website. I will submit the e-book version sometime today. Here is the link: Please feel free to post an Amazon review, after you have read the book. It would really help me out! Even Biggie the Cat lovesContinue reading “The Second AZD Comic Is FINALLY HERE!”