My Full Comics Now Available On YouTube (With AI Voice Acting)

I have spent A LOT of time making new YouTube videos of my comic books having voice acting… thru the power of AI. I used actual voice actors to help bring my stories to life, along with sound effects and music. Below is the very first “episode” with voice acting! If you can, please watchContinue reading “My Full Comics Now Available On YouTube (With AI Voice Acting)”

August 2023 Progress Report

A day late, but I’m posting this now! 😀 I got A LOT done during the month of August, but not necessarily in regards to just the comic books! I also got A TON of short silly videos done this month for YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, and Game Jolt. I was making so many, IContinue reading “August 2023 Progress Report”

“Corona On Planet Zeyrion” FREE-TO-READ Sneak Peek

If you want to read the rest of the story, feel free to read the rest here: Note that this is NOT the original version. The original version (which has some swearing) is here: Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments section of this blog post! 🙂 That willContinue reading ““Corona On Planet Zeyrion” FREE-TO-READ Sneak Peek”

“Corona Is A Cabrona” First Few Pages FREE TO READ

Here are a few pages that are free to read. It’s the comic story “Corona is a Cabrona,” which is from the book Space Grind: House Havoc. You can get yourself a copy here: I hope you enjoy reading this sneak peek! Feel free to let me know in the comments of this blogContinue reading ““Corona Is A Cabrona” First Few Pages FREE TO READ”

“I’m Angry” + “Punching Bag” Short Comics

I’m making these pages from the comic book Space Grind: House Havoc FREE to read! If you would like to read the whole thing, get yourself a copy in the link here: You can also buy yourself a “No Swearing” version of the comic book, if swear words aren’t your thing:

The Second AZD Comic Is FINALLY HERE!

The paperback version of Space Grind: Robot Takeover! is finally available for purchase on the Amazon website. I will submit the e-book version sometime today. Here is the link: Please feel free to post an Amazon review, after you have read the book. It would really help me out! Even Biggie the Cat lovesContinue reading “The Second AZD Comic Is FINALLY HERE!”

April 2023 Progress Report

I got a little bit done during the month of April. Not a ton, but I got at least a few pages done. Accomplishments List Unfortunately, I haven’t received any response from the person I emailed, but who knows. Maybe something like that will happen soon. Pray for me lol ❤ As usual, here’s aContinue reading “April 2023 Progress Report”

March 2023 Progress Report

I am happy to say that I have gotten A LOT done for the month of March! Here is a list of things that got accomplished last month: As you may have noticed on that list, there were multiple live-streams happening on Twitch! Unfortunately, I cannot continue the livestreams for a little bit. I willContinue reading “March 2023 Progress Report”

Introduction to RPL

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything other than a progress report on my comic books, so I decided to share a little bit about a particular character named “RPL.” Her name “RPL” stands for “Robot Prim Lady.” She is a rival of RSL and belongs to the Trax’s rival Ozuha. Ozuha and RPL LikeContinue reading “Introduction to RPL”

February 2023 Progress Report

Didn’t get much done for the comic book this month. I was focusing heavily on my physical health. I don’t think I’ve really gone into that stuff on this blog, but I’ve been having severe dizziness episodes that prevent me from working regular jobs. Sometimes that gets in the way of the comic book progress,Continue reading “February 2023 Progress Report”