August 2023 Progress Report

A day late, but I’m posting this now! 😀 I got A LOT done during the month of August, but not necessarily in regards to just the comic books! I also got A TON of short silly videos done this month for YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, and Game Jolt. I was making so many, IContinue reading “August 2023 Progress Report”

Trying New Things

If you guys keep up with my latest YouTube videos, you’ll notice that I’ve been uploading more videos lately 😀 I thought I should try something new and different for my YouTube channel, so I can hopefully gain some more attention on my content. It seems to be working! Or at least… working more thanContinue reading “Trying New Things”

July 2023 Progress Report

July 2023 was AWESOME! It was the month where I officially finished and published Space Grind: Robot Takeover! 😀 So exciting! Here is the list of accomplishments: A lot has got done! I’m even working on two different comic book projects at the same time. I’ll try to get at least one of them doneContinue reading “July 2023 Progress Report”

My 4 Idea Journals

Today’s blog post is about something very special to me! A lot of writers know or have been told that they should write down their ideas. I’ve been doing that ever since 2016, back when I was in high school. I’m so glad I did. Today, I’m talking about my four “Idea Journals.” I thinkContinue reading “My 4 Idea Journals”

My Digital Art Skill Evolution

This blog post will go into how my art skills have changed over the years. I will share some EMBARRASSING old art on the way, so buckle up! Before Digital Art I’ve been drawing on paper ever since I was very little. Like… “3-years-old little.” I remember scanning my paper drawings a lot before havingContinue reading “My Digital Art Skill Evolution”

January 2023 Progress Report

Honestly not sure what to report this time. It’s mostly been a whole month of tweaking my comic book script, rather than drawing. Luckily, I am proud to say that the script for “Girls’ Night Out” is FINISHED! WOOHOO! I also made some drawings for a comic book focusing on Rachel the Vampire. I hopeContinue reading “January 2023 Progress Report”

The Next AZD Comic Book?

Now that Space Grind: House Havoc has been released, what’s the next comic book gonna be about? Even though I’m AlexZenDraw, I’m still figuring that out myself XD Even though not all the details have been set in stone, I have a few things figured out so far that I know I wanna do. First,Continue reading “The Next AZD Comic Book?”

October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)

Towards the end of October, the comic book got completed! ❤ It hasn’t been published quite yet, but it is currently in review. I submitted it a few days ago, but then read an email (3 days later..) saying I had to resize the book (UGH!!..) Anyway, I believe it will be available on AmazonContinue reading “October 2021 Progress Report (Book Finally Finished!!)”

Upcoming Comic Book In The Works

(Date of Original Post: January 19, 2021) I am working on a Space Grind comic book to self-publish. It would be a collection five stories combined into one book. I am leaning towards using Barnes & Noble Press to do this. As of now, I have 25 pages complete. 28, if I decide to includeContinue reading “Upcoming Comic Book In The Works”

Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books

Hello! Welcome to my blog 🙂 I am a first-time comic book writer and artist. My name is Alexandra Nelson. You can also call me by my “stage” name: Alexzendraw. I am currently 22 years old and live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Why “Alex Zen Draw”? Alexandra is my full name. I also wanted to makeContinue reading “Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books”