My 4 Idea Journals

Today’s blog post is about something very special to me! A lot of writers know or have been told that they should write down their ideas. I’ve been doing that ever since 2016, back when I was in high school. I’m so glad I did. Today, I’m talking about my four “Idea Journals.” I thinkContinue reading “My 4 Idea Journals”

Introduction to RPL

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything other than a progress report on my comic books, so I decided to share a little bit about a particular character named “RPL.” Her name “RPL” stands for “Robot Prim Lady.” She is a rival of RSL and belongs to the Trax’s rival Ozuha. Ozuha and RPL LikeContinue reading “Introduction to RPL”

FAN ARTS of Space Grind!

I am so lucky and blessed to have people online make actual FAN ART of my stuff!! ❤ What an honor!! 😀 To celebrate the release of Space Grind: House Havoc, I would like to share some fan art that people have made of Space Grind so far ❤ I will credit the artists andContinue reading “FAN ARTS of Space Grind!”

Ozuha Character Description

(Original Date of Post: March 15, 2021) Woot! This is the first “Mid-Month Bio” Blog Post on this website!! For the first “Mid-Month Bio” character, I would like you all to meet: Ozuha. Ozuha is Trax’s rival. Like Trax, Ozuha is an employee at WepCo who is well known for his inventions. He is alsoContinue reading “Ozuha Character Description”

Introduction To The Ensemble Cast of Space Grind

Space Grind has five main characters (six if you wanna count Baby Radmu). This blog post will briefly introduce you to each of them. Before being captured by the aliens (and given his ridiculous new name), Neuro graduated from a prestigious college and became an aerospace engineer. He starts out as 24 years old inContinue reading “Introduction To The Ensemble Cast of Space Grind”