I’m Now Also On Game Jolt

I wanna thank Instagram user and friend: @Dynocation, for recommending a relatively new app to me called Game Jolt. I just wanted to let people know that I’m on there now! I have been finding some good success on the app, and I enjoy using it a lot 😀

Dynocation is also on Game Jolt, if you want to support her work!

Here is the link to my Game Jolt profile: https://gamejolt.com/@AlexZenDraw

Here is also the link to Dynocation’s profile: https://gamejolt.com/@Dynocation

I also wanna share the link to this guy’s profile, who donated recently on my website: https://gamejolt.com/@ChristoffOfficial

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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