June 2023 Progress Report


  • June 2nd, 2023 — Finished page 23 of the “Girls’ Night Out” comic (page 34 of the overall comic book)
  • June 6th, 2023 — Finished RSL’s “Art Gallery” page (Page 44 overall)
  • June 7th, 2023 — Finished page 24 of the “Girls’ Night Out” comic (page 35 of the overall comic book)
  • June 11th, 2023 — Finished page 25 of the “Girls’ Night Out” comic (page 36 of the overall comic book)
  • June 13th, 2023 — Finished RSW’s “Art Gallery” page (Page 45 overall)
  • June 18th, 2023 — Finished a Front Cover, Back Cover, and blank journal page for an Upcoming Journal (Radmu/Radioactive themed)
  • June 18th, 2023 — Set up a manuscript for the 100-page journal
  • June 19th, 2023 — Officially submitted a manuscript to Kindle Direct Publishing for the Radioactive Journal
  • June 19th, 2023 — Finished page 26 of “Girls’ Night Out” (page 37 overall)
  • June 20th, 2023 — The new Radioactive Journal showed up on Amazon’s website 😀
  • June 20th, 2023 — Finished page 27 of “Girls’ Night Out” (page 38 overall)
  • June 21st, 2023 — Finished page 28 of “Girls’ Night Out” (page 39 overall)
  • June 23rd, 2023 — Finished page 29 of “Girls’ Night Out” (page 40 overall)
  • June 24th, 2023 — Finished page 30 of “Girls’ Night Out” (THE FINAL PAGE + page 41 overall)
  • June 24th, 2023 — Finished a bonus page for the “Art Gallery” (page 53 overall)
  • June 24th, 2023 — Edited the Table of Contents (page 3), because page 42 accidentally became a blank page.  I’m going to utilize this blank page for FAN ART made by people who enjoy Space Grind 😀
  • June 24th, 2023 — Finished RSG’s “Art Gallery” page (Page 46 overall)
  • June 24th, 2023 — Got page 42 overall completed, which has 3 fan artwork on the page
  • June 25th, 2023 — The next comic book’s Back Cover got 100% completed!
  • June 25th, 2023 — Made two important changes to page 9 of the comic book
  • June 25th, 2023 — Outlined potential plans for a “Clean Version” of the next comic book (not planned to be released along with the original this time)
  • June 26th, 2023 — Finished RSM’s “Art Gallery” page (Page 47 overall)
  • June 26th, 2023 — Got started on rewriting a script for a future Space Grind comic called Space Grind: Hot and Heavy!  I plan on that comic having two different comic stories.  One of those two scripts already got completed last month.
  • June 27th, 2023 — Finished RPL’s “Art Gallery” page (Page 48 overall)

Phew!! My eyes got a workout, reading all that progress! In fact, THE ENTIRETY OF SPACE GRIND: ROBOT TAKEOVER!‘s “Girls’ Night Out” comic (30 pages) GOT COMPLETED! WOOHOO!

Unfortunately, on June 14th, 2023, the letter “T” came off my keyboard. It is still usable, and hopefully it will remain usable for as long as I need it to.

For this month’s “sneak peek,” here is a timelapse video of one of this month’s pages getting drawn.

Sneak peek for the month

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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