Wanna See Me Draw An ENTIRE Comic Book Page?

I just uploaded a timelapse video of me making a whole page for the next comic book, which is called Space Grind: Robot Takeover!

This comic book page was made for an upcoming comic of mine called ‘Space Grind: Robot Takeover!’ This particular story is called “Girls’ Night Out.” The tall green alien named “Trax” suspects that his robot might be secretly plotting to take over his planet. He decides to build a remote-controlled robot to spy on her and her friends. His 3 bumbling human workers help him with his “secret mission.”

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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