The Next AZD Comic Book?

Now that Space Grind: House Havoc has been released, what’s the next comic book gonna be about? Even though I’m AlexZenDraw, I’m still figuring that out myself XD Even though not all the details have been set in stone, I have a few things figured out so far that I know I wanna do. First, let’s get these two questions out of the way —

  • Is the next book going to be about Space Grind again?
  • What are the stories that will be in the book?

For the next comic book, I thought it’d be good to showcase a different story that I created. After all, Alex Zen Draw Comics is supposed to encompass all my ideas. Even though I think it’d be really fun to show you guys more of Space Grind, I think it’d be good to make a comic book about a different story, too.

‘So what is the next comic book gonna be about,’ you say? It will be about a teenage vampire gal. I created this character back when I was 14 years old, which is also the age of the vampire girl. The story is called Rachel the Vampire. I can see teenagers really enjoying the story, as well as young adults 20-35 (like with Space Grind‘s audience). The genre this time would be a supernatural, dark comedy-drama story. Below is a description of what Rachel the Vampire is about.

A page from the Space Grind comic book.

As for what stories will be in the comic book, I have four out of five ideas relatively figured out. Of course, one of the comic books will be an “Exposition Comic” like in the first Space Grind book (you can read the free excerpt here: There will also be a full-length, 25-page story just like “Corona is a Cabrona” 🙂 Then a few short stories. I want you to be surprised by what stories will be in the comic, so I’ll keep those ideas a secret for now.

If you want to see more drawings of the character Rachel, here is a link to some artwork on this website:

The reason why this art is in the Gate City category is because Rachel the Vampire is technically a planned spin-off prequel to Gate City. I’ll explain how in a future blog post.

Have an AWESOME day! 😀

Sorry, A, Space Grind will have to wait after Rachel the Vampire is done. I’ll try to get it done ASAP! ❤ I’m expecting the process to be faster now that I offically know how to publish a comic book thru Amazon.

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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