FAN ARTS of Space Grind!

I am so lucky and blessed to have people online make actual FAN ART of my stuff!! ❤ What an honor!! 😀

To celebrate the release of Space Grind: House Havoc, I would like to share some fan art that people have made of Space Grind so far ❤ I will credit the artists and share where you can see their other art!

Fan Art #1

Made by Catherine Farrar on Instagram: @drawgon_art_studio

This LOVELY drawing of RPL was a little surprise made by the talented artist Catherine. She is my online artist friend 🙂 She surprised me one day with this AWESOME DRAWING of my character! This character even has a cameo appearance in the recently released SG comic book! ❤ We discussed having her contribute artwork of my characters in our Instagram DMs, but I discarded the idea. I offered to pay her for any artwork she would contribute before I changed my mind. I honestly did not expect her to make this fantastic drawing on the house! WOW!! ❤ Thank you, Catherine 🙂

A drawing I made of RSL and RPL in a dancing competition.

Fan Art #2

You can find this artist’s work on Instagram: @dynocation

It delightfully shocked me when a stranger on Instagram sent me this fan art in my Instagram DMs. Not only is cool to just receive any drawing of my characters — this is drawn in such a unique art style! How stylish!! The artist and I quickly became artist friends 😀 Thank you, Dynocation 🙂

This is the drawing that Dynocation is referring to. Under the original Instagram post is a caption that talks about the origins of litle Radmu.

Fan Art #3

This drawing was actually made years ago, back in the early days of working on Space Grind. It was a relatively new idea of mine at the time. Back when I was an active user on the DeviantArt website, a user that I didn’t know yet contacted me and asked to do an art trade. I accepted the invitation and requested that she drew the character Neuro. I am in love with the result! ❤ Thank you, Mewogal 🙂

The DeviantArt link to mewogal23600’s artwork:

Fan Art #4

This fan art was made by my old friend Kaeli. We met on DeviantArt 🙂 One day, we were chatting through Discord and were drawing together. She made this cool drawing of Neuro 😀 She is such a talented gal! Thank you, Kaeli 🙂

Although no longer active on DeviantArt, you can still see some of her creations here:
A drawing of Neuro holding a mop in the newly released Space Grind comic 🙂

Fan Art #5

There is nowhere online where you can see her art. Maybe she’ll make an art account somewhere in the future, but I’m not sure lol

And last (but certainly not least) is art made by my little sister ❤ She made this in 2020 I believe. It’s so flattering to have your sibling make their own drawing of YOUR characters! How wonderful ❤ ❤ ❤ Thank you, Sarah 🙂

And That’s It!

Thanks again to all that made these drawings! 😀 Be sure to show them some love and check out their content. Peace out, y’all!

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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