May Progress Report 2021

May has been my MOST PRODUCTIVE MONTH so far 😀 Even more productive than December. Soooooo much got done. Here is a long list of the things that got accomplished:

  • Finished page 17 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-3-2021)
  • Finished page 18 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-4-2021)
  • Finished page 19 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-7-2021)
  • Finished page 20 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-8-2021)
  • Edited the speech bubbles’ size for pages 2-9 (5-10-2021) note: I ended up doing this for all the pages later for the new fonts
  • Changed RSL’s unique dialogue font for pages 2-9 (5-10-2021)
  • Edited some dialogue on page one (5-11-2021)
  • Finished page 21 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-11-2021)
  • Finished page 22 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-12-2021)
  • Downloaded new, 100% free fonts for the comic book (5-15-2021)
  • Finished changing all the fonts for all the previous House Havoc pages (5-18-2021)
  • Redid the front cover (5-18-2021)
  • Finished the last page of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-19-2021)
  • Finished the page advertising the next comic book (5-24-2021)
  • Finished page 24 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-27-2021) This means the COVID-19 story is COMPLETE

Yep! The longest comic in my book of comics (25 pages) is FULLY done 😀 I’ve been doing the drawings for it since October 2020. It took me 8 months to finish the comic. As cool as it is to accomplish that feat, the entire book is still not done. My guess is that it will be published on Amazon somewhere in July. There is only one more comic to do, which will be much shorter. I think it should only take about a month to complete. By the end of June.

The last comic is called “RSL Gives Exposition.” The robot character (RSL – Robot Sexy Lady) summarizes the plot of Space Grind before you read the other comics. I felt it was important to include it so that you guys have a clear idea of what Space Grind is about. I hope you enjoy reading it once it is ready 🙂 I may even post a blog post of the pages for that particular comic. Not sure yet though.

I am very happy with my progress this month. I can finally read my entire comic without any unfinished pages. It almost feels like I’m watching an “episode” of my TV show idea. I absolutely love seeing my characters interact with each other and their surroundings ❤ I hope you guys enjoy reading it, too 😀

I didn’t include this in my list, but I began drawing the panels for “RSL Gives Exposition.” I am so excited to finish the whole thing ❤ This has been a thrilling adventure!

This screenshot is a tiny little “sneak peek” or glimpse of what I accomplished in May. I decided to make this a tradition in my previous progress report. Here’s this month’s screenshot 🙂 I am not going to give context to this image. You’ll wait and see what is going on when you read the finished product 😛

That’s about it for this month’s progress report. Have a great day!

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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