10 Facts About My Comic Books

Hi! It’s been awhile. June has been a rough month for personal reasons. I wanted to publish my first comic book in July, but it will probably have to wait until August or September. Anyway, I felt that it is about time to write a new blog post. As it says in the title, IContinue reading “10 Facts About My Comic Books”

May Progress Report 2021

May has been my MOST PRODUCTIVE MONTH so far 😀 Even more productive than December. Soooooo much got done. Here is a long list of the things that got accomplished: Finished page 17 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-3-2021) Finished page 18 of “Corona is a Cabrona” (5-4-2021) Finished page 19 of “Corona is aContinue reading “May Progress Report 2021”