March Progress Report (2021)

Hi, everyone! I know it’s April 5th, but there is a reason this progress report got delayed. For some strange reason, I couldn’t access the WordPress website. At all. I even tried going on other websites made with WordPress, but I couldn’t look at any of those either. Luckily, I finally was able to fix the problem (I think). I came to Dunkin’ Donuts, and I was able to log on using their WiFi. Perhaps I had WiFi issues at my house. It’s strange, tho, because I had access to other websites. I honestly don’t know what the problem was. I encountered a lot of problems that I won’t get into. Thankfully, I’m able to use WordPress right now.

Now then! Onto this month’s Progress Report:

Things That Got Done

  • Page 13 (3-9-2021)
  • Finished the last comic script (3-11-2021)
  • Page 14 (3-12-2021)
  • Wrote an organized plan for future blog posts (3-12-2021)
  • Began Page 15 (3-14-2021) 6 out of 7 panels completed
  • Made a comic book page that will announce the next book (3-24-2021)
  • Began setting up the new “Alex Zen Draw Comics” website (3-24-2021)
  • Posted the first blog post for the new website (3-24-2021)
  • Made changes to my professional social media (March 24 – March 31)
  • Updated comic books pages by replacing the links to the old website with the new one (3-25-2021)

Like last February, I didn’t reach my goal of finishing 5 pages for the month. I have private reasons for this. Toward the end of the month, I was focusing on getting the new website set up. It was very important to me to make the changes ASAP. The first comic book will be published this Summer, which is very close.

Why Did I Make A Brand New Website?

  • I wanted a website that encompasses all of my creative work, not just Space Grind.
  • Space Grind: House Havoc didn’t really have a “publisher name” attached to it. Oni Press and Dark Horse Comics are publishers. Even though Space Grind is going to be self-published, I still want a name.
  • I want to have a memorable name/brand. “Space Grind Stories Blog” did not sound very “memorable.” It also felt too bland.
  • When I thought of “Alex Zen Draw,” I really wanted to make it my pen name.
  • When I made the “Alex Zen Draw Comics” logo, I fell in love with it! ❤ The Space Grind logo was just a boring black star, with a solid orange background. Other people really liked it, too.
  • I want to make other comics based on my other stories. I wanted to create comics about Celestial Circle, Gate City, Jack Potter, etc.
  • The AZDC brand seems like a more effective way to market the comic books.
  • “Space Grind Stories Blog” just doesn’t sound interesting.
  • The first comic book is coming out Summer 2021. That’s coming up very fast. I wanted to have my official website ready before that happens.
  • I didn’t want to delete my Space Grind website and lose all my blog post content. That wouldn’t be good. I needed to copy and paste them. I had about 11 posts to transfer onto the AZDC website. I didn’t repost some of them because the branding changes made them irrelevant.

The first half of this month wasn’t as productive as I hoped. The second half was way more productive, at least. Anyway, I hope you all have a blessed day (as always) ❤

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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