How I Came Up With Space Grind

Disclaimer: This post has some PG-13 content and words that you may not want your child to be exposed to. If you are 13 or older, it’s probably okay for you to proceed. Hi! I thought it would be fun to share how I first came up with Space Grind. Although I forget how IContinue reading “How I Came Up With Space Grind”

3 Key Things I’ve Learned As A Writer

I have been writing for a long time. It’s only been recently that I’ve been putting my writing out there, so there’s not much I can show you just yet. I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. Of course, the stories you write as a 6 year old will be way different fromContinue reading “3 Key Things I’ve Learned As A Writer”

March Progress Report (2021)

Hi, everyone! I know it’s April 5th, but there is a reason this progress report got delayed. For some strange reason, I couldn’t access the WordPress website. At all. I even tried going on other websites made with WordPress, but I couldn’t look at any of those either. Luckily, I finally was able to fixContinue reading “March Progress Report (2021)”

Upcoming Comic Book In The Works

(Date of Original Post: January 19, 2021) I am working on a Space Grind comic book to self-publish. It would be a collection five stories combined into one book. I am leaning towards using Barnes & Noble Press to do this. As of now, I have 25 pages complete. 28, if I decide to includeContinue reading “Upcoming Comic Book In The Works”

What I Accomplished So Far For My First Comic Book

(Date of Original Post: January 22nd, 2021) Hi, guys. I felt like making this blog post was important. This is because I want you guys to see how dedicated I am to getting this project done. I wouldn’t want you to guys to follow this blog wondering if I’m just some lazy butt that hasn’tContinue reading “What I Accomplished So Far For My First Comic Book”

The Second Space Grind Preview Looks Great!

(Date of Original Post: January 29th, 2021) The second preview comic came in the mail. It looks FANTASTIC!  The quality is great!  The only noticeable error I’ve noticed is that some of the speech bubbles are hard to read. They’re easier to read on my big Cintiq, but not so much on a comic bookContinue reading “The Second Space Grind Preview Looks Great!”

8 TV Shows That Inspired Space Grind

(Date of Original Post: January 31st, 2021) I would say that there are a lot of things that inspired Space Grind. Many of those things come from TV shows that I enjoy. I thought it would be fun to write a blog post about what inspired various aspects of Space Grind. I also hope itContinue reading “8 TV Shows That Inspired Space Grind”

January Progress Report (2021)

(Original Post Date: February 1st, 2021) For the month of January, I got a lot of things done. Including making this website. Here is a list of stuff that got accomplished for Space Grind: House Havoc — Created this Word Press blog Created a YouTube channel (with an uploaded Time-lapse Drawing video) Created an InstagramContinue reading “January Progress Report (2021)”