Introduction To The Ensemble Cast of Space Grind

Space Grind has five main characters (six if you wanna count Baby Radmu). This blog post will briefly introduce you to each of them.

Neuro (the neurotic one)

Before being captured by the aliens (and given his ridiculous new name), Neuro graduated from a prestigious college and became an aerospace engineer. He starts out as 24 years old in the series. Just as his new chapter in life was about to begin, the Zeyrians came and took it away.

Neuro is intelligent, but often makes dumb decisions under pressure. He’s always had anxiety, too. As you can imagine, being captured and forced to work in a bizarre alien world did not help.

As much as Neuro doesn’t want to, he’ll usually do what his alien master (Trax) tells him to do. However, he’s always secretly making blueprints and escape plans. He often tries to convince Dimwit and Onion (his fellow alien abductees) to help him escape, but they are even more clumsy than he is. Not to mention neither of them are very bright.

Dimwit (the dimwitted one)

Dimwit is the comic relief character. He often messes up his tasks like Neuro does, but not cuz he cracks under pressure. Rather, he’s too dumb to get them done right. In spite of his circumstances, he’s a pretty happy guy (for some reason). He’s also naïve and gullible.

Before working for Trax, Dimwit was a jobless 25 year old living with a roommate. His roommate would many times make him feel bad for not being able to get a job, making him feel useless. When Trax started giving Dimwit “jobs,” he felt a sense of accomplishment and importance. He felt like somebody finally needed his help, when in reality Trax isn’t able to replace him for a better “employee.” He often refers to Trax as “Boss.”

Onion (the dumb jock)

Onion may be 23 years old, but his mind is still in high school. He often picks on Neuro and manipulates Dimwit for selfish reasons. He is brawny and arrogant. He worked as a model, vlogger, and body builder before being abducted by the Zeyrians. He is obsessed with working out, looking strapping, and scoring chicks.

Trax often uses him for tasks that require a little extra strength. Onion often doesn’t do what he’s told, and when he does, he’ll do it lazily. He is often cocky with Trax, calling him “Old Man.”

RSL (the robot servant)

RSL is the robot servant of Trax. She was originally just a robot made for dancing. Then Trax transformed her into a fighting machine. At first, she comes off as stoic. However, she has a fun side to her that she just doesn’t express very much. When she’s with her robot friends, she’s much more loose. She is witty, sassy, and confident when she struts her stuff.

Trax assigns RSL the task of helping Neuro, Dimwit, and Onion adjust to their new lives. She has been with Trax for seven years, and knows what triggers his wrath. Trax doesn’t want to off the men, which he has done to previous servants out of frustration. He believes RSL is very capable of helping the three newcomers, as much as they tend to annoy her.

Trax (the hot-headed alien master)

Trax is the owner of Neuro, Dimwit, and Onion. He is hot-headed, adroit, and socially awkward. He works for a company called WepCo, which manufactures weapons for the Zeyrian military, planetary conquerors, and regular people. Trax has a great reputation for crafting genius weaponry. One of his guns can shoot laser bullets with nano tracking devices, incase the target were to somehow survive the blow. However, his prestigious job isn’t enough to cover an enormous debt he’s gotten himself into. Scammers sold him EXPENSIVE, fraudulent parts for his ultimate weapon idea. Because of his debt, he had to downgrade his home to an unostentatious alien saucer (considered a “mobile home”).

Some of Trax’s other attributes is his loyalty to his planet, loving his wife and only daughter, and his prejudice against alien species other than his own. He is very patriotic, which is the common culture of his planet. He has a wife named Rel, but their marriage is on the rocks. Rel and Trax agreed to live separately after downgrading their home, as much as they want to make their marriage work. I will make a future blog post describing their relationship. I will also make a future blog post describing the reason for Trax’s prejudice.

Radmu (the radioactive mutant baby)

Radmu was founded by Dimwit in a radioactive dumpster on a different planet. He has unpredictable, mutant abilities, such as laser vision and the ability to walk on walls. His alien species is known for having a blind, extreme attachment to the first four people they see after being born. The first person he saw was Trax, so he is very clingy with him. Trax did all he can to get rid of Radmu, but the little baby wouldn’t leave him alone. Since Radmu is considered dangerous to the public, Trax is forced by the law to tame him.

Radmu also has extreme attachment to Dimwit, RSL, and Neuro. This is because they were the next three people he saw after being born. However, he is not fond of Onion. Unlike Trax, he can see Onion for the jerk that he is. Radmu does not like him and often purposely gives him a hard time.

I hope you like these characters.

Please email me or comment below what you think of them 🙂

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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