Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books

Hello! Welcome to my blog 🙂

I am a first-time comic book writer and artist. My name is Alexandra Nelson. You can also call me by my “stage” name: Alexzendraw. I am currently 22 years old and live in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Me reading on my apartment’s balcony on a BEAUTIFUL day.

Why “Alex Zen Draw”?

Alexandra is my full name. I also wanted to make a pun out of the middle of my name (the “an” part). So here’s how I broke up my name:

Alex: The first part of my name. The “A” in my logo stands for this.

Zen: Sounds close to the middle part of my name. The word “Zen” means, “peaceful and relaxed.” It’s also a word that comes from Buddhism, but it’s not meant to mean anything super deep when it comes to my comics. Honestly, writing and drawing is therapeutic for me, which is why I think “zen” is fitting.

Draw: One day, someone I met joked that I should call myself AlexandDRAW because I like to draw. I thought that was interesting and funny, so I made that part of my stage name. It’s super fitting since I make the drawings for my comics.

The logo for Alex Zen Draw Comics.

Tell me about your comics

I am working on making my first ever comic book called Space Grind: House Havoc. It is planned to be done by June 2021. It will be self-published using Amazon KDP. After that, I would like to make more comics about Space Grind and other story ideas I have 🙂

Brief descriptions of 5 of my ideas:

Space Grind: This will be the story that I will make my first comic out of. It is a sci-fi comedy about 3 humans who are abducted by aliens, and then forced to work for a hot-headed alien. They are determined to get their freedom back one day, but their escape plans keep failing. When they’re not trying to escape, they must try to appease their new alien master named Trax.

The Space Grind characters (left to right): Dimwit, Neuro, and Onion.

To read a free comic from the first book, here’s the link:

Jack Potter: A superhero story about a man with powers that have a casino theme. His name is a play-on-words of the word “Jack pot.” One day, he spun a magic “carnival” wheel that gives superpowers. The wheel stopped landed on the “jackpot,” where he got all the abilities on the wheel. The story is inspired a lot by Batman, especially when it comes to the quirky villains (such as Jack’s enemy: “Pokerface”). Jack fights crime and seems to get revenge on a villain named Blackjack, who killed his brother.

An old sketch of Jack Potter. His real name is not set in stone.

Celestial Circle: A story all about personified characters that are based on celestial objects. These are “Celestial People” that live together as a society. Constellations are considered neighborhoods. Stars are at the top of the social hierarchy. They are considered leaders, and sometimes even celebrities. Planets must listen to their Star, and also give commands to their Moons. Moons are subject to their Planet, but sometimes a “skilled” Moon can act as a mentor to them.

The plot centers around a Celestial Person named Jupiter. She is an outcast and can’t pin point why. She only has a handful of Celestial Persons that like her, such as her Moon Mentor “Callisto” and her friend “Mercury.” One day, she learns that a Celestial Person named “Earth” has gone missing for years. Jupiter thinks that if she can find Earth and bring her back safely, she will be accepted in Celestial Society.

A drawing of the celestial person based on planet Neptune.

Gate City: Gate City is about a young girl (who starts out as 11 years old). Her name is Selena Villarreal. She moves to a fictional town in the USA called Gate City. One day, she finds a magic key that unlocks invisible gates that are scattered all through out her new home. Each gate has a fantasy world inside it. After losing her brother to a mysterious Gate World inhabitant, she is determined to find him. She gets help along her journey, making friends from the various gate worlds and learning from another Gate City citizen that also has one of the magic keys.

An old drawing I made for Gate City.

Sharpay Spree: This comedy idea is about: Sharpay Spree — a ditzy, teenage girl that loves to shop. She constantly makes impulse purchases, including a haunted, sassy doll named Obake. Even with the help of her frugal best friend Zoe Hernández, Sharpay keeps on making purchases that lead to regretful (tho usually humorous) consequences.

My very first drawing for my Sharpay Spree idea. I don’t have very many drawings for this idea, so that’s why I’m showing this one.

Plans for the future

I plan on one day becoming a show runner. While I’m working towards that dream, I want to get my ideas out there in comic book form. This is so others can get an idea of what my cartoon series ideas are like. I hope you enjoy reading my comics 🙂

NOTE: I used to have a blog (back in January) that focused only on Space Grind. I need some time to transfer all the blog posts over to this website before I delete that website. I want to keep the posts, but remove the SG website eventually.

Have a blessed day! 😀

(April 4th, 2021 Edit) – Right now, I’m having problems getting on my own website. Hopefully I can figure out the problem soon and totally fix it.

Published by Alexandra Nelson

I am a comic book artist/writer. My blog is about my story ideas. My first comic book will be about Space Grind (Space Grind: House Havoc), which you can purchase on Amazon (e-book and paperback). The next comic book currently being worked on is Space Grind: Robot Takeover! I will have future comics about other stories, too. I live in Wisconsin and currently 24 years old.

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