Introduction To The Ensemble Cast of Space Grind

Space Grind has five main characters (six if you wanna count Baby Radmu). This blog post will briefly introduce you to each of them. Before being captured by the aliens (and given his ridiculous new name), Neuro graduated from a prestigious college and became an aerospace engineer. He starts out as 24 years old inContinue reading “Introduction To The Ensemble Cast of Space Grind”

Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books

Hello! Welcome to my blog 🙂 I am a first-time comic book writer and artist. My name is Alexandra Nelson. You can also call me by my “stage” name: Alexzendraw. I am currently 22 years old and live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Why “Alex Zen Draw”? Alexandra is my full name. I also wanted to makeContinue reading “Introducing Myself and My Website and Future Comic Books”